What are ICD 10 Codes?

ICD-9 codes are nearly 30 years old and cannot be expanded any further diagnosis. Many of its diagnosis categories are full. ICD 9 codes are 3 to 5 characters. The first can be numeric or alpha, the 2nd through 5th are numeric with a decimal after the third character.

ICD 10 codes are 3 to 7 characters, the first one is alphabetic, 2nd through 7th are either alphabetic or numeric, with a decimal after 3 characters. These codes are arranged in chapters and sub-chapters with diseases grouped by letter. ICD 10 allows increased detail and the flexibility for emerging diagnosis. It is robust and has a logical structure with clear consistent definitions. It allows over 155,000 diagnosis codes compared to a maximum of 17,000 ICD 9 codes.

The greater number of codes in the ICD 10 will make it easier to find the right diagnosis code. ICD 10 has an improved structure and specificity; it should be easier to use than ICD 9. Most practices use a relatively small number of codes related to the type of specialty.